2.3 Böcker/ protokoll

The Gut Health Protocol


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Väldigt detaljerat med ett helhetsperspektiv som inkluderar kost, livsstil, tillskott. Många detaljer om när man t.ex. inte bör ta vissa tillskott. Många länkar till vetenskapliga studier.

E-boken kommer 2 april 2015 och är utökad jämfört med pdf:en.

Goals of the Gut Health Protocol:

  • Disrupt the biofilm created by opportunistic / pathogenic bacterial and yeast. This is one of the major methods pathogens use to protect themselves from our immune system, natural remedies, and even antibiotics. 
  • Kill the pathogens, both free-floating and those that have adhered to the intestinal wall, using natural herbs, enzymes, and competition pressures from the probiotic bacteria found in fermented foods. 
  • Establish an environment in the entire gastrointestinal tract that is hospitable to beneficial bacteria (including our heritage strains) and an inhospitable environment to opportunistic strains. 
  • Populate the gut with a wide diversity and high culture count of beneficial bacteria. This serves many purposes, including the goals above, and helps to prevent pathogens from recolonizing. See “fermented foods” below. 
  • Improve stomach and gut motility (keep things moving along). This not only helps prevent constipation and feeling full all the time, but it also helps wash pathogenic strains out of the gut. Undigested food is a major cause of SIBO and “leaky gut”. Undigested food and unabsorbed sugars can also ferment in the gut, causing inflammation, bloating, and making leaky gut even worse. 
  • Heal the gut; including the permeability of the intestine (leaky gut), the mucosal layers, alleviate intestinal inflammation and reestablishing a healthy microbiome. 
  • Preventing the return of opportunistic / pathogenic organisms. 
  • Creating educated host organisms for our microbiome. These host organisms will educate other hosts so that both the host colonies and the microbiome colonies thrive. The host organism is you, and you should be educating others, including your doctors. 

The Very Basic Protocol

  1. What follows is a very trimmed down version of what is contained in The Gut Health Protocol. The book actually has several protocols, each designed for a specific condition and each backed up be research studies. 
  2. Fermented Foods – The Four “K”s, and Probiotics – Fermented foods, “the poor man’s dish and the rich man’s medicine” are very important for the treatment of SIBO and SIFO (fungal overgrowth), even if antibiotics are used. If you have problems with digestion or constipation, fermented foods are probably one of the best things you can do to correct the situation. If you have frequent heartburn, GERD, and acid reflux it is often due to weak ineffective stomach acid (this will be explained more in section 6 below); fermented foods help heal the stomach’s ability to manufacture stomach acid (HCl). They contain beneficial organic acids – lactic acid helps the gut control pathogenic bacteria and promote the growth of probiotic bacteria. E.g. Kombucha can contain: acetic acid, ethanol, gluconic acid, glucuronic acid, glycerol, lactic acid, usnic acid 
  3. Food and Diet – It is very important that you follow a very low sugar diet, including avoiding most fruits, and very low carbs for at least 3 weeks; you can start adding carbs back two weeks after you are having mostly good bowel movements. After that you should avoid sugar as much as possible and avoid wheat; sugar and carbs feed pathogenic gut bacteria, and wheat worsens an already inflamed intestine. These recommendations are not based on any current fad or farfetched theory, everything, again, is based sound scientific study. Many people will be able to return to eating carbs once the gut infection is eliminated. The book outlines several diets that may help, including my own Gut Health Diet designed specifically for healing. 
  4. Exercise / Sleep – A very limited amount of exercise is necessary to balance hormones, burn excess glucose, and to signal the body to raise metabolism. Exercise can be limited to nothing more than brisk walks, though some mild resistance training is beneficial. Sleep is far more important than people give it credit. Studies have shown that by simply increasing the amount of sleep one gets that it can cause them to burn additional calories and even lose weight. 
  5. Biofilm Disruption – The biofilm created by pathogenic bacteria can interfere with nutrient absorption in the small gut and is often inflammatory. The biofilm is basically a home for a community of bacteria and yeast. This home can protect them, not only from our immune systems but from medications such as antibiotics and antifungals. The biofilm can be quite tough and is often reinforced with minerals such as calcium and iron. On the other hand the biofilm created by probiotic (symbiotic) bacteria is anti-inflammatory and beneficial to gut health. This section outlines the various strategies for defeating pathogenic biofilms and is useful even if taking antibiotics. The primary recommended supplement is a product called Interfase Plus. 
  6. Lactoferrin – Lactoferrin binds iron so that pathogenic bacteria can’t utilize it, but your body can. In fact Lactoferrin makes iron more bio-available for humans. This one function alone makes lactoferrin very important to stopping bacterial and yeast gut infections. It is also a biofilm disrupter (see above), so this further adds to its effectiveness. Lactoferrin is found naturally in human breast milk. A number of studies (outlined in the full book) show the efficacy of supplementing with lactoferrin for several gut infections as well as for general health. 
  7. Betaine HCl and Digestive Enzymes – Many people with gut infections end up not being able to properly digest their food. This is due to several factors, the primary reason being that the toxins produced by pathogenic bacteria damage your stomachs ability to manufacture stomach acid and utilize digestive enzymes. This section outlines how you can successfully supplement these natural substances. Once your gut heals most people can actually stop taking them. The section also explains why antacids (such as protein pump inhibitors) are usually not a good idea. Again, the full book contains several research studies linked and summarized. 
  8. Parasites – As icky as it may sound many people with gut issues have parasites as well as some other underlying infection. This section covers the primary treatments (which can be used even if you don’t know that you have parasites), the two main ones being Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth and Wormwood. 
  9. Soil Based Organisms (SBO) – In addition to the probiotics found in fermented foods SBOs are a probiotic found in the soil. When we lived closer to nature we consumed SBOs daily on the food we ate and even the air we breathed when farming. Today we live in a much more sterile environment and most people do not have an adequate population of these organisms (primarily probiotic bacteria and yeasts). Adding an SBO can help eliminate pathogenic strains, help prevent their return, and help heal the gut. 
  10. “Kill” Supplements – These are primarily herbs that can help kill pathogenic bacteria and yeast. Several different types are needed but there are products that contain most of what you need in one pill. These supplements tend to harm pathogenic strains more than probiotic strains (by blocking or interfering with processes unique to those strains). These supplements act as natural “antibiotics” but without most of the harmful side effects. Some of the supplements outlined include: Olive Leaf Extract, Oregano Oil, Caprylic Acid, Pau D’Arc o, Allicin. Many scientific studies backup the efficacy of these herbs and in some cases even show them to be more powerful than prescription antibiotics. 
  11. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil – EVCO for short, has been shown to be very effective against many pathogenic strains of bacteria and yeast. It’s also very good for general health and can be consumed for life. It can be used in cooking or taken directly as a supplement. 
  12. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) – NAC has been shown in several studies to reduce pathogenic bacteria, and is a biofilm disrupter. It can also detoxify certain toxins and can help reverse some of the damage done by antibiotics. 
  13. Colostrum – Helps rebuild your immune system and can naturally fight pathogens in the body. It also helps heal the gut and fights
  14. intestinal inflammation. 
  15. Lauricidin / Monolaurin – Made from coconut, it supports a healthy immune function and helps break down the biofilms of SIBO and candida albicans. It is also reported to kill lipid-coated viruses. 
  16. Zinc Carnosine – Studies show that people get over SIBO and h.pylori quicker when taking Zinc Carnosine. It is also very useful for healing the gut and combating disease associated inflammation and leaky gut.

Siebeckers SIBO-bok

Kommer under 2015

Digestive Health with REAL Food 

av Aglaee Jacob MS RD



En imponerande bok som på ett lättillgängligt sätt går igenom hur matsmältningen fungerar, hur kosten påverkar hälsan, hur man anpassar sin kost efter personliga behov och förutsättningar, tillskott, stress och stresshantering, äta bra på resande fot, felsökning om det inte fungerar samt recept med vackra bilder och måltidsplaner. Boken är vetenskapligt underbyggd och i referensdelen finns alla tabeller och diagram samlade.
Uteslutningsdiet (paleo aip) med väldigt lite kolhydrater. Bra info om SIBO. Lite klent med info om hur man kan behandla på andra sätt än med kost & livsstil. Bra kokbok (Digestive Health with REAL Food - The Cookbook).

Uppdatering om "herbal antibiotics"

Om sibo



A New IBS Solution

The Autoimmune Solution

The Autoimmune solution - Amy Mayers

Ett Paleo-AIP-protokoll mot autoimmunitet baserat på funktionsmedicinska principer. Förklarar autoimmunitet. Fyra pelare för att bli frisk:

  1. Heal your [leaky] gut (4R-program: remove the bad, restore the good, reinoculate with healthy bacteria, repair the gut)
  2. Ät inte gluten, spannmål, baljväxter, eller andra livsmedel som kan skapa kronisk inflammation
  3. Minska gifter i din livsmiljö
  4. Läk ut infektioner och behandla stress

+ 30-day Meal plan samt tips på tillskott (grund: probiotika, omega-3, glutamin, NAG, vitamin D3, samt extra utifrån olika tillstånd: sibo, yeast, parasites, adrenal fatigue).

Särskilt om SIBO:

  • Undvik fermented foods så länge du har sibo (eftersom de innehåller prebiotika i form av fiber och socker). (p.89) 
  • Max 2 cups (ca 4 dl) stärkelserika grönsaker + 1 cup frukt / dag. Inga andra typer av vinäger än ACV. (p.296) 
  • Rekommenderad probiotika: Ther-Biotic Complete eller Prescript Assist (p. 197)
  • Rekommenderat SIBO-tillskott: Microb-Clear eller GI Microb-X™ (p. 199)
  • Vänta minst 2 timmar mellan probiotikatillskott och SIBO-/parasittillskott. (p.200) 

Mer från Amy Mayers:
Web-konferens om Autoimmunitet - Sammanfattning

Dr. BG's 7-Steps Paleo* Gastro IQ SIBO Protocol

1. Fermented veggies made the ancient way with organic dirt-covered vegetables, ex. kraut, kvass, kim chee, kefir, etc. Read Sandor Katz. [read post]
2. Ancient heirloom potatoes, tubers, roots that are low glycemic index (or high if good insulin sensitivity) and ancient heirloom grains, legumes, lentils/dal that are low glycemic index (or high if good insulin sensitivity), prepared the ancient way (soaked, fermented, etc)  [read post]
3. Soil-based probiotic 1-2 daily if not severely immune compromised (Bacillus licheniformis, Clostridium butyricum, etc)  [read post]
4. Three versions of 'bionic fiber' to heal the gut depending what your baseline composition  [read post]
VERSION A:  Inulin 1-2 TBS + Psyllium (if not allergic) 1 TBS + high ORAC green powder to taste (I like Amazing Grass, LOL) in 2 cups water
VERSION B [the 'FAT BURNING' BIONIC VERSION]:  Inulin 1-2 TBS + Acacia Gum 1 TBS + high ORAC green powder in 2 cups water
If no conditions that are contraindicated (see below 5 situations):
VERSION C:  Inulin 1 TBS + Psyllium (if not allergic) 1 TBS + Acacia Gum 1 TBS  + high ORAC green powder in 2 cups of plenty water [+ 1 tsp variable fiber]
5. Exercise low-moderate intensity one hour daily continuously (10,000 steps) to move the gut/peristalsis and overcome broken myenteric musculo-neuro junctions  [read post]
6. Avoid allergenic foods (corn, soy, gluten/wheat, dairy, nuts, egg whites, etc). Avoid GMO products and livestock/poultry fed GMO crops (corn, soy, etc).  [read post]
7. Heal hormones and immunity -- take adrenal support, liver support, antioxidants etc (I use biocurcumin and berberine to combine with anti-microbials/anti-parasitics). Adrenal care is particularly imperative for those with reactive hypoglycemia and BG crashes when they go longer than 3-4 hours between meals.  [read post]

8. If the above fail, then you have more fastidious overgrowths and require 2-3 rounds of anti-parasitics/anti-microbials/anti-fungals.  See what worked for my family and I HERE.  If the above still does not fix SIBO, then consider mercury toxicity. Mercury saturates and kills microvilli in the small intestines and also disables enzymes including digestive enzymes.

Lösa kommentarer:
Använda prokinetisk efter protokoll tillsammans med diet. Ingefära ok?
Optional: Probiotic
SI healing supplements

OBS! (länk) 
Om du har IBS-symptom, ät låg stärkelse/låg fodmap tills IBS-symptom har gått över, 4-6 V.
Det verkar finnas en någorlunda konsensus om att man bör undvika stärkelse och RS och fodmaps initialt.

Se även kommentarerna på varje blogginlägg.

Vad Dr. BG (Grace) använde för att fixa sin SIBO, CFS, adrenal fatigue, heavy metal toxicity mm:

probiotics, raw fermented vegetables, exercise (earlier too fatigued to do any workouts), naps, yoga, laughter/friends, spiritual support, digestive enzymes, omega-3, mag/zinc/minerals, adrenal adaptogens, adrenal protocols (carb+protein+fat, every 4 hrs, sea salt 1/4 tsp daily), pycnogenol, gut support (marshmallow, slippery elm), betonite clay, charcoal, ghee, organic lard, rainbow vegetables, pastured pork and egg yolks, frequent bone broths, etc.

Probiotika - den okända faktorn för fysisk och psykisk hälsa

Haglund, Olle, Probiotika - den okända faktorn för fysisk och psykisk hälsa, Paulúns Förlag, 2012, (4e upplagan med nytt namn av tidigare Sköna magkänslor : den livsviktiga probiotikans hälsoeffekter)

Probiotika är en bok om de nyttiga bakterierna som din kropp behöver. Forskning visar att de har stor betydelse för maghälsa, kroppsvikt, immunförsvar och till och med hjärnans funktioner. Medicine doktor Olle Haglund är en av Sveriges främsta experter på ämnet och går i boken igenom både grunderna om probiotika och den absolut senaste forskningen i ämnet. Boken riktar sig till alla som vill veta mer om denna relativt okända, men viktiga faktor för hälsan.

Särskilt om SIBO/IBS
-Referenser till studier om bakterieöverväxt/svampöverväxt, Rifaximin och LCHF (20 g kolhydrater/dag) för att behandla IBS. Anekdotiska fall där patienter har blivet av med IBS som de haft i årtionden genom behandling med antibiotika och sedan probiotika (s. 142ff)
-Kapitel med studier om leaky gut, bl a kopplat till autism (s. 191)

-Ett helt kapitel om IBS och olika faktorer som spelar in och eventuella behandlingsmetoder (s. 130)

Magen - Bakterier, buller och brak

Peter Benno m.fl.


"En bok om magen, maten och bakterierna av Sveriges främsta forskare."

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